x; max-height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; word-break: normal; max-width: 100%; height: auto !important;">
● 原始参数完整txt导出,便于后续复杂处理的需要
● 利用Hertz接触模型从加载部分计算弹性模量,与常用的Oliver&Pharr方法相比,更为适合生物组织和软物质材料特性
年 份 | 期 刊 | 题 目 |
2022 | Advanced Functional Materials | Engineering Vascular Self-Assembly by Controlled 3D-Printed Cell Placement |
2022 | Biomaterials | Hydrogels derived from decellularized liver tissue support the growth and differentiation of cholangiocyte organoids |
2021 | Biofabrication | 3D bioprinting of tissue units with mesenchymal stem cells, retaining their proliferative and differentiating potential, in polyphosphate-containing bio-ink |
2021 | nature communications | Janus 3D printed dynamic scaffolds for nanovibration-driven bone regeneration |
2020 | Environmental Science & Technology | Effect of Nonphosphorus Corrosion Inhibitors on Biofilm Pore Structure and Mechanical Properties |
2020 | Acta Biomaterialia | A multilayer micromechanical elastic modulus measuring method in ex vivo human aneurysmal abdominal aortas |
, x; max-height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; word-break: normal; max-width: 100%; height: auto !important;">
● 原始参数完整txt导出,便于后续复杂处理的需要
● 利用Hertz接触模型从加载部分计算弹性模量,与常用的Oliver&Pharr方法相比,更为适合生物组织和软物质材料特性
年 份 | 期 刊 | 题 目 |
2022 | Advanced Functional Materials | Engineering Vascular Self-Assembly by Controlled 3D-Printed Cell Placement |
2022 | Biomaterials | Hydrogels derived from decellularized liver tissue support the growth and differentiation of cholangiocyte organoids |
2021 | Biofabrication | 3D bioprinting of tissue units with mesenchymal stem cells, retaining their proliferative and differentiating potential, in polyphosphate-containing bio-ink |
2021 | nature communications | Janus 3D printed dynamic scaffolds for nanovibration-driven bone regeneration |
2020 | Environmental Science & Technology | Effect of Nonphosphorus Corrosion Inhibitors on Biofilm Pore Structure and Mechanical Properties |
2020 | Acta Biomaterialia | A multilayer micromechanical elastic modulus measuring method in ex vivo human aneurysmal abdominal aortas |

Optics11成立于2011年,是阿姆斯特丹自由大学(VU)的衍生组织。从那时起,这家初创公司的收入和员工持续增长,成为荷兰发展最快的公司之一,并具有国际影响力。Optics11 Life提供功能强大的新型纳米压痕仪,与传统的同类产品相比,使用方便、功能多样、坚固耐用。主要用于测量复杂、不规则的生物材料,如单细胞、组织、水凝胶和涂层的机械性能。
Piuma Nanoindenter

● 内置摄像镜头,方便实时观察样品台
● 实时分析计算测量结果,原始数据并将以文本文件存储,方便任何时候导入Dataviewer软件进行复杂处理
● 探针经过预先校准,即插即用。对于时间敏感的样品确保了快速测量
● 光纤干涉MEMS技术能够以无损的方式测量即使是最软的材料,并保证分辨率。同时探针可以重复使用Piuma轩辕纳米压痕仪Piuma轩辕纳米压痕仪
模量测试范围 | 5 Pa - 1 GPa |
探头悬臂刚度 | 0.025 - 200 N/m |
探头尺寸(半径) | 3 - 250 μm |
最大压痕深度 | 100 μm |
传感器最大容量 | 200 |
测试环境 | air, liquid (buffer/medium) |
粗调行程 | X*Y:12×12 mm Z:12 mm |
加载模式 | Displacement / Load* / Indentation* |
测试类型 | 准静态(单点,矩阵) 蠕变,应力松弛 DMA动态扫描 (E', E'', tanδ) |
| 0.1 - 10 Hz |
内置拟合模型 | Young's Modulus (Hertz / Oliver-Pharr / JKR) |
Fiber-On-Top 探头
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